Recipients of the Fall 2020 Small Grants (Round 2)

The Board of the Northampton Education Foundation approved funding for the following 2 grants, for a total of $3575 for the Fall 2020-2 cycle.

After cancelling the Small Grants to Teachers spring cycle in response to the abrupt move to online learning, NEF approached the fall 2020 cycle with a desire to make it easier for teachers to ask for what they need to make the 2020-21 school year creative and engaging. We moved to two rounds of fall grant applications, one in September and one in October. In addition to our usual grant criteria, we encouraged proposals that responded to our current moment, addressing equity in educational content and access, and racial and social justice, or responding to the current learning situation, whether online or social distance learning in the classroom, or a hybrid of the two.

Even during this period of remote learning, the Northampton Public School teachers and staff have created innovative programs to enhance learning and strengthen community connections. We reported the first round of grants last month and are proud to announce the second round today:

Critical Support to Preschool Remote Learning

All preschool students
Laura Frogameni, Rachel Matteis
This project will create weekly packets of materials for each preschooler household in NPS Virtual Preschool. Packets of art supplies, blocks, play figures, and paper dolls will give concrete materials essential to sensory based learning and ensure that all families have the materials their children need to learn and grow.

Walking Trail

Ryan Road School
Vanessa Keillor, Rebecca Minton
This project encourages and rewards walking by students, staff, and community members.  Building on the existing recess walking program, the current walking trail will be clearly marked for distance and include information on animal speeds, what’s seen from various points on the trail, and math equivalent lengths.

Grants approved in September 2020, announced last month

Empowering Youth: How to Be an Anti-Racist

Jackson Street School

Lindy Hop Classes

Northampton High School

Remote Concert Series

Northampton High School

The Viking Runestone

Smith Vocational and Agricultural High School

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